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10 am - Elkay CEU - Accessibility for All

Wednesday, May 13th at 10 am EST

Accessibility for All CEU

Accredited by: AIA, ASPE, IDCEC/ASID, NKBA

Because deciphering the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can be complicated, this course takes an in-depth look at the ADA. You will learn and understand the finer points on what the ADA is, what it means, and the history and purpose of the act. Focusing on the “Public Accommodations” title of the act, the course will explore how the ADA affects the plumbing industry and products. The course will take a deeper look at rules and requirements for drinking fountains and sinks and move into ADA-approved plumbing solutions for long-term care facilities and homes for the aging-in-place community.

Click here to register